In sas records United States, Western Europe, and Canada, wild animals are by far sas data main vectors of rabies, accounting for greater than 88% of all mentioned cases from sas facts past two decades. 196 In India, 95% of rabies postexposure prophylaxis cure is sas facts results of bites from stray dogs. 86 In recent years, rabies in humans has become an extremely rare ailment in sas data United States, with only two cases going on in 1997196 and one case in 2001. 123 Since 1980, rabies infected bats caused 58% of sas facts human cases of rabies diagnosed in sas statistics United States. 196 Of sas facts more than 7437 cases of animal rabies reported in sas records United States in 2001, raccoons accounted for almost 40% of sas information total. Foxes, bats, and skunks accounted for all but lower than 1% of sas data the rest. Rattlesnakes carry venom that kill 5. 5 people per year. Rattlesnake attacks are always protective. Most rattlesnake related deaths are males between 17 and 27. Alcohol is usually concerned which allows sas facts venom. I image stats help drunk kid on stats help camping trip trying facts mess with sas statistics snake, sas information n not attempting clinical recognition automatically.

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