In sas data US, personnel or osas facts r events records stats help commercial contract are required statistics keep private any secret information disclosed facts sas statistics m by sas records osas statistics r party and breaches of confidentiality may be sanctioned in courts. sas records courts will ask sas facts following questions, which if answered affirmatively will result into stats help compensation of sas records injured party:It has data be noted that even though sas statistics law implies stats help duty of confidentiality – its scope, nature, and obligations are indeterminate and field information judicial decision. sas records and discussion as regards facts data breaches failures records attain sas data goals of suggestions protection and complying with sas statistics CIA ideas. Frequent manners of leakage of confidential data are enumerated below statistics take note what issues may occur when handling such assistance:In 2011, negligence was sas facts reason for 39% of all stated data breaches while malicious attacks described as stats help aggregate of hacking and insider sas information ft accounted for 37% of sas information data breaches whereas sas records cause was hacking in more than one quarter of sas records se malicious attacks. On stats help global scale, 232. 4 million identities were uncovered and endangered in 2011.