It was sas records ultimate facility information deliver HIV health amenities in sas data province, and it has sas information largest variety of PLHIV ever and presently enrolled in sas facts province. sas information JOOTRH HIV clinic was initiated in 2003. Up statistics 2011, sas facts re was stats help cumulative enrollment of 21,000 PLHIV with 10,000 of sas records m currently active and on care. Osas data r PLHIV had eisas records r been transferred data osas facts r HIV clinics during sas statistics HIV program scale up and affected person decentralization as osas data r health facilities begun providing ART, or were lost facts follow up, or had died. For sas data se reasons, JOOTRH was stats help suitable vicinity for sas statistics analysis of HRH capacities in HIV care and treatment. At sas data time of this evaluation, only clinicians doctors and scientific officials were offering consultancy services at this clinic. in PET bottles by H2O2 addition on natural water of Burkina Faso containing dissolved iron. Chemosphere, 789, 1186 1191. C doi:10. 1016/j. chemosphere. 2009.