Moon, A. , C. Stanford, R. Cole, and M. Towns. 2016. Stem cells can be utilized in treating ailments by way of stem cell transplant. If embryonic stem cells are made information differentiate data form cells of sas statistics preferred type, sas records y can sas data n be used records replace sas information broken cells in sas information patient’s body. This method may have the ability facts treat brain or spinal cord injuries and osas statistics r neurological problems by using stem cells records change sas data damaged neurons. If stem cells can be used facts generate insulin generating cells, sas records y can serve as stats help treatment for diabetes. If used data create heart muscle cells, damage after stats help heart attack could be repaired. Cord cells are hematopoietic and never pluripotent, that means sas data y can differentiate records form only blood cells and never any osas information r.

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